Training Programs


ISGOTT and SIGTTO Instruction

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All our training programs are flexible and can be adjusted or made to order to suit your specific needs. We train people following the Marine Operator and Supervisor Operational Competency Guidelines on:

1 - Awareness

  • A good understanding of what is involved
  • Able to describe in basic terms the main features of each part of the job and its importance to the terminal's operation
  • Able to recognize how and where competencies are relevant

2 - Knowledge

  • Able to interpret and evaluate information and advice
  • Able to ask questions that test the viability of proposal associated with responsibilities
  • Where applicable, able to carry out all tasks required

3 - Skill

  • Able to carry out the activities to required standard
  • Able to interpret applicable procedures and guidelines into practical actions
  • Able to solve common technical / operational issues
  • Able to propose refinements to operational practices and procedures
  • Able to mentor and supervise others in technical / operational aspects Outsource your Training & Education needs to TTT. Our training programs are designed to make your business safer, healthier, sustainable and profitable.

Bulk Liquid Marine Terminal Training


LNG & LPG Terminals, Transport and Operations Training

Health, Safety & Environment, Risk Management and Sustainability

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