
How Sustainable is your Terminal or Refinery?

The question is not: ' are our operations sustainable?' , but: 'Can our operations be or become harmful to life, the environment or society?'

The buzzword for 2025 is ‘Sustainability’. The question is, how can we sustain our planet, our business or organisation?

We now offer a   sustainability training program, please download the course program.

Enhanced Sustainability is the way to remain relevant into the future. Regulators and governments demand more compliance to an ever growing number of rules and laws are deemed necessary to protect life and the environment.

Fact is that regulations, rules or compliance enforcement impair an organization’ functioning and are often based on reductionistic sciences which overlook non-linearity and complexity. The success and sustainability of a business or other organizations are not only determined by financial or economic performance, but also by a good reputation which can only be earned by acting socially, environmentally and humanly responsible. Rules and regulations become guidelines.

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